Webflow Booster

Webflow Share to Social Media

Share your Webflow page to popular social media platforms. Automatically populate your page title and URL allowing you to share it to platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Pintrest and more.

Add this in seconds with the Boosters app, or install it manually with the instructions below.

Getting Started 🫧

Share your Webflow page to popular social media platforms. Automatically populate your page title and URL allowing your users to share it to social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Pintrest and more. Follow the simple instructions below, or install the Official Boosters App for the most simple install and setup possible.

Install Instructions ✍️

1. Add the booster script to your project.

Copy the script source listed below, and add it to the <head> tag of your custom code settings. If you aren't sure about custom code in Webflow, you can click here to learn more.

<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@flowbase-co/boosters-social-share@1.0/dist/social-share.min.js"></script>
2. Create your share buttons

For this Booster, attributes must be added to each button or element that you want to use to trigger the page share. Add a button or link-block to your page, and style it as you require.

3. Add the share button attributes

Once you've created your button that the user will click, let's add the attributes

  • fb-social = true
  • fb-social-type = facebook

In the above example we are using facebook, but you can change this to any of our supported platforms. Once these two attributes have been added you can publish your page and test the share function.

4. Here is the full list of attributes you can use:
Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
fb-social true or false The primary attribute, and an on/off toggle
fb-social-type facebook, whatsapp, pintrest, twitter, telegram Specify the social platform you want to use to share the page.

5. Publish & Test 🚀

Once you've followed the steps above and have added both the script and the attributes, you can publish your page. View your live staging domain to test the Booster in action.

Boosters App

Add this booster + more with the official webflow application.

Install Booster Application
*Official Webflow booster application